Thanks for your support of our adoption journey. We would love for you to join us in praying that God would give us wisdom, patience and perseverance as we go through the process to adopt our children! We appreciate the many people walking this adoption journey with us in prayer! ~Jon & Bethany

February 25, 2011

Sigh of Relief

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh..." I am feeling a huge sigh of relief this week. The first 2 months of our adoption journey have been a complete roller coaster ride already, but I feel like we are finally hitting a smooth point in the ride where we can just breathe and enjoy the view.

I feel like this picture Beautiful Blue Nile Falls in Ethiopia captures how I'm feeling today
 We had our final home study meeting this Tuesday and I feel a huge weight has been lifted. I was really struggling with fearfulness about this part. So my husband and I had a "Doxology Moment" when it was over & literally sang the doxology!
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost!"

We know that the fact that the meeting went well was completely the Lord's doing! And the the rest of this process is in His hands. I am trying to enjoy this ability to breathe & find contentment right here, right now, in the journey itself. I know that our homestudy still has to be "approved" by our agency, and we have to fork over $1500 for it, and we have to send it off with our USCIS I600A form for US approval, and then we'll have to wait like 2 to 3 months for a fingerprinting appointment, etc,etc. Basically I know that this journey is FAR from over.
 So I am trying to focus on this: the Lord is in control of this process, the details, the timing, which child(ren) will be ours, the finances, all of it. And I am His. He adopted me when I became a believer in the gospel of His Son. And it wasn't easy. He had to sacrifice His only Son to take the place that I deserve on that cross. He pursued me and loved me first when I was loving my sin and living in rebellion against Him. "We love because He first loved us," (1 John 4:19) I wouldn't even be on this journey to rescue an orphan if God hadn't rescued me first and given me a new heart to love the things that He loves. To live for His glory, not my own.
I cannot wait to hold my son and have him HOME with us here. But that will come in God's timing. It could be 6 months from now, or 18 months from now. I have no control over it, so I have to have faith that God has worked out the details for my good (Romans 8:28), for I know that "God is working all things together for good for those who love God, for those who were called according to His purpose." I know it will probably be harder to say once we get a referral and I have seen his face, I will want him HOME even more, so I better start now!
Thanks for walking this sanctifying journey with us! Continue to pray for a smooth process and for Ethiopia to remain open for adoption for many,many years to come so that tons of children can be rescued and adopted into Christ-centered families!

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